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Wonderfalls jeannies bottle

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Aaron: I’m not in existential crisis! Just the opposite. Karen: You’re studying religion for God’s sake, you were bound to have one sooner or later. Darrin: I don’t think your sister’s special lunch is an appropriate place for an existential crisis.

wonderfalls jeannies bottle

Jaye: Did we have a Rapture?Īaron: There’s something out there and it’s laughing at us. Dress is optional, and there’s the part where you get to avoid people. Jaye: I do admit the whole shut-in thing has a certain appeal. Aaron: What do you call him? Jaye: Fat Pat. He might be of Mexican descent and I don’t want to be insensitive. what does it mean? Aaron: If your portly chupacabra doesn’t emerge soon I’ll be forced to go home and work on my dissertation. But meaninglessness in a universe that has meaning. Meaninglessness in a universe that has no meaning - that I get. Sharon: There are like six Law & Orders on the air now, have you not seen one of them? Muffin Buffalo Sharon: He's already out Jaye: Bastard! He sang? Sharon: No, you admitted to driving the car. Lesbians always trim their nails like that. You were all back-lit and evil-smoking like that guy on the X-Files. Sharon: How am I a squealer? Jaye: Uh, could it be the squealing? You ambushed us with the fuzz. I thought Canadians were supposed to be clean. Karen: We don't have favorites.Īaron: Oh my God, that guy just blew his nose on the ground. There are like six Law and Orders on the air now, have you not seen one of them? Karen: Sharon, go talk to your father. It just feels like that sometimes when they make me help people. Jaye: The voices, the animals, I was just mad at them. That happens, right? They can't all have hearts of gold and good work ethics. Jaye: Yes, but maybe she's just a lazy whore. The co-mingling of friendly micro-organisms giving birth to curds and whey, "And from dust He created the universe." Jaye: The dairy-board must love you. This is the miracle of life melted over these chili fries. Jaye: If you were so happy with the sisters in the field, why did you leave? Katrina: It was the cheese. I remember thinking that if Johnny Cash had been born an Irishman, the music would have been more lilting. Jaye: What do you get off brow-beating a hooker? Jesus was nice to prostitutes.Įric: The man, do you remember what he looked like? Janitor: Strange looking sort. The voices, the animals, I was just mad at them.

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Jaye: A brother who lives at home, and is still considered more successful than I am, which could be because I live in a trailer that, while it may look like Jeannie's bottle, is actually slightly smaller. Jaye: I should have tossed her out on her buh-buh-butt! but never in any danger of breaking down either. So it just sits here, never living up to its potential. Don't you see the beautiful poetry in that? It's a thing that's been designed to go someplace, and yet the hitch isn't hooked up to anything. Otherwise, things start to be about something other than you.īianca: Your home is a trailer. Jaye: You've gotta choose people who aren't much more motivated than you are - but don't surround yourself with total narcissists. If one of us were to fall it would affect workers comp rates, we're not only protecting our employer. Jaye: Exactly, in the back, up on a high shelf. Bianca: Come again! Jaye: Don't encourage them.īianca: I thought I saw those motion lamps in the back. I live in a trailer that, while it may look like Jeannie's bottle, is actually slightly smaller.

Wonderfalls jeannies bottle